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Pages:   «««105106107108109110111112113»»»   (156 in total)
# Rank Flag Player Name Played Won Lost Win% H Rating Tourney Score Monthly Score Team Score Last Played Eliminated ScorePoints
3241 Private United States gantscudder 13 1 12 8% 8% 0 0 0 29 Jun 2014 2 8320
3242 Private United States GangsterBill 16 7 9 44% 55% 0 0 1020 24 Jan 2010 7 10590
3243 Major United States gangnamstyle 607 248 359 41% 49% 0 0 987 26 Mar 2017 289 134318
3244 Private Italy Ganduz 42 5 37 12% 50% 1002 0 769 26 Jul 2023 23 12540
3245 Captain France Gandoulf1 221 107 114 48% 60% 0 0 0 31 Dec 2013 162 175912
3246 Lieutenant United States Gandolf 287 140 147 49% 54% 980 0 1072 25 Jun 2010 138 15498
3247 Private Zimbabwe GandhifromCiv4 12 3 9 25% 64% 0 0 1161 18 May 2023 16 11700
3248 Private United States Gandalf the Grey 55 6 49 11% 13% 0 0 1011 09 Aug 2016 5 6360
3249 Private United States Gandalf the Green 28 1 27 4% 13% 0 0 1029 26 Dec 2012 12 7320
3250 Captain United States Gamester 118 54 64 46% 76% 2102 0 1267 13 Apr 2015 152 229312
3251 Private United Kingdom gameinator 95 11 84 12% 24% 0 0 885 22 Feb 2018 21 8960
3252 Private Spain galoco 425 184 241 43% 56% 1030 0 1018 03 Sep 2013 237 17080
3253 Major Galakanokas 21243 13260 7983 62% 66% 1376 1623 1411 16 Sep 2024 13477 242222
3254 Private United States gagliano 593 115 478 19% 35% 0 0 856 27 Jun 2022 250 5410
3255 Private Netherlands gaetanobresci 21 5 16 24% 67% 0 0 1115 05 Jul 2023 21 13080
3256 Private Germany Gadzo 86 16 70 19% 19% 980 0 0 13 Apr 2015 12 7190
3257 Private Netherlands Gadzilla 25 1 24 4% 4% 967 0 0 14 Nov 2012 1 7260
3258 Sergeant Venezuela gabrielh 23 2 21 9% 32% 0 0 968 17 Mar 2016 11 9740
3259 Private United States Gabriel Hines 11 0 11 0% 0% 0 0 1019 04 Dec 2017 0 8180
3260 Private United States gabophia 12 0 12 0% 0% 0 0 0 10 Sep 2013 0 8420
3261 Private United States Gabe Heitman 37 7 30 19% 19% 0 0 0 15 Aug 2013 7 8330
3262 Private United States Gabe 123 42 81 34% 62% 1081 0 1435 25 Aug 2022 112 14380
3263 Private United States G1MP 18 2 16 11% 48% 864 963 996 03 Sep 2024 13 10901
3264 Private United States g0ldeneagle 109 30 79 28% 36% 1130 0 981 06 Jan 2017 42 9960
3265 Private United States G0DsDestroyer 169 18 151 11% 26% 914 0 912 20 Apr 2012 33 6360
3266 Private Australia G0D 37 6 31 16% 34% 0 0 1149 19 Nov 2010 14 9100
3267 Sergeant United States G-Zero 185 23 162 12% 36% 0 0 748 23 Sep 2013 89 10390
3268 Private Australia G-FUNK 13 1 12 8% 14% 0 0 980 03 Mar 2010 2 8570
3269 Private Russian Federation FYUBT 85 5 80 6% 36% 0 0 0 03 Jan 2018 41 12740
3270 Private Czech Republic Fyd8210 33 10 23 30% 32% 0 0 0 05 Jan 2011 2 8690